Friday 23 November 2012

Trouble stirs in Middle Earth

In the past week or so certain scandals have arisen concerning the release of The Hobbit this December. Like other Ringers or Tolkienites this release date is one that I have been anticipating for years. The novel being my favourite work of Tolkien’s as it captures a playful and magical tone that dies towards the end of The Lord of the Rings. However recent headlines may prove damaging to the reputation of the franchise.
Claims of animal cruelty occurred when PeTA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) were informed of 27 animals having died where the animals were residing off set. Peter Jackson denies these claims stating that extraordinary care was taken in the protection of the animals and until further evidence is provided I believe him. PeTA have called for Jackson to use only CGI to create animals in his films as opposed to the 50/50 split of real animals and CGI now. However, no matter how good graphics are, they are still that, personally I prefer to see ‘real’ animals. Unless these claims can be proven I don’t see why animals can take part in film if treated caringly so.In more recent news the Tolkien Trust are suing Warner Bros over breaches of Lord of the Rings licensing. The original contract states that the production company is only allowed to create physical merchandise such as action figures and t-shirts. However said contract was created in a time before the rise of computer and internet technology. The Tolkien Trust has previously looked over exploitations of the contract; that is until a gamboling internet game designed using characters and affiliates of the Lord of the Rings franchise caught their attention. They claim that associating Tolkien’s works with such games is damaging to the franchise and against the message of good will which the novels present. And I agree with this, gamboling is risky and designed to take people’s money and make them addicted to losing. Using Lord of the Rings to promote this is will have negative effects. The Tolkien Trust is suing Warner Bros for $80 million dollars, but currently no settlement has been reached. This figure however, isn’t a very big cost compared to the profits they make. What may be more costly is the restoration of their reputation and relationship both concerning fans and the Tolkien Trust.
But I for one won’t be letting this stop me from seeing Martin Freeman bring beloved Bilbo to life come the opening day.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Shut up and...

Drive first caught my attention whilst I was watching the BAFTA’s earlier this year. Although it did not win the best film award for which it was nominated I was interested enough to borrow it from LoveFilm.
The opening sequence was captivating and I felt that excited thrill of watching what I feel is a truly great film. The combination of point of view shots from in the car, the retro electric theme music and the stylish city establishing shots reminded me of playing GTA: Vice City. The music is some of my favourite of any film I’ve watched and is used effectively capturing the tone of a scene. I was never particularly attracted to Ryan Gosling until I witnessed him in this role (and yes I realise there is an accidental theme of attractive actors in these posts- see Logan Lerman and Joseph Gordon-Levitt below) but wow. Gosling plays the unnamed anti-hero of the film, who uses little words but each he says you can see him choose carefully. You can see the control in Gosling’s performance and the power that gives his character. Through the film we see the diver’s life grow more complicated as he lets new people into his life. This causes him to break the rules he has set helping those that he cares for.
Drive is in one word stylish. The lighting, music, camera shots, lines, costume everything, is purposeful and refined. Whether or not you will like this film will come down to preference. Drive isn’t a romantic comedy, it is about consequences and the effects of certain actions. Meaning if you help out a guy tied to the mob and it goes wrong, the mob is gunna get mad.
But I love this film having bought the DVD after watching it so I could watch it again and again. It is definitely in the unorganised top ten favourite films list I have in my head hanging out with the likes of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy and Christopher Nolan’s Batman.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

And in that moment, I swear we were OVERWHELMED WITH EMOTIONS

Dear friend, if you went to see The Perks of Being a Wallflower and didn’t fall in love with Charlie, you are wrong. In 2010 I read Perks for the first time, it was one of those books were I reread the last few pages when I finished and had to sit for a few moments to collect my thoughts. Once I had done this I made my friends read it too. If you don’t know anything about the story it isn’t a light hearted teen comedy. Following in a similar tradition as The Catcher in the Rye, Charlie writes letters to an anonymous recipient during his turbulent first year of high school.
I had confidence in the film being able to adapt the book well as its author wrote the script and directed the movie. I was right to feel this way as watching the film I found the novel’s tone encapsulated perfectly. The casting, although I was uncertain of some choices (Emma Watson as Sam) worked wonderfully. Watson’s American accent was strong throughout the film and her Sam was brilliant but I would have preferred a less well known face in the role. However, it is Logan Lerman’s Charlie and Ezra Miller’s Patrick are what shall be truly memorable. Miller whose chilling performance as the teen serial killer Kevin in 2011’s We Need To Talk About Kevin is reversed as he plays the loving, eccentric gay best friend of Charlie. Patrick’s playful nature is developed further in the film and as a reader of the book it felt like the Perks world was being expanded, showing its characters in a clearer and refreshing light.  Logan plays Charlie as the gentle and anxious character that he is, hitting the right emotional tones which the audience in turn experience too.
Although I would have like to have see Charlie’s other relationships a little more, such as his friendship with his English teacher, not everything we love in a book can go to screen. The Perks of Being a Wallflower was handled delicately by its author and respecting its fans whilst making the narrative more accessible to newer audience members. Therefore, to me, the film is triumphant and I would easily recommend.

Monday 19 November 2012

A Face of CGI

Initially I was apprehensive about Looper after reading that Joseph Gordon-Levitt would play a younger version of action movie veteran Bruce Willis. I could not see any possible similarities between the two causing great disinterest in seeing the film. Then realising that JG-L’s face would be altered using CGI I was put off further. (Who would want to change such a wonderful face?) I remember pointing out JG-L in a promo image of Looperand my friends refusing to believe it was him. Aside from petty aesthetic issues, I also feared his performance may have been impaired as an actor. Alas, after hearing raving reviews from respected critics and peers I decided to set my doubts aside and suspend disbelief. After all, the team work of Rian (with an ‘I’) Johnson and Joseph Gordon-Levitt has proved worthy watching. (See 2005 Brick)
After seeing the film I can safely say that my apprehension was misspent, what I should have been worried about was not seeing the film at the cinema before it was too late. JG-L, to quote a friend (and fan of his SNL opening sequence), “is still hot!”. He still posses the same acting power just looking a little Bruce Willisy around the eyes and nose making for good watching.The film itself was a melody of frightening, heartbreaking and blood pumping. One of my favourite scenes is where Bruce Willis storms the scene with gun blazing action. It is these ‘lighter’ elements to the film that stop the darker material from becoming tedious. Rian Johnson’s vision for the future is realistic, cars powered off solar panels and no hover boards. Although the representation of time travel is not my favourite (dynamic timeline), it is used effectively as a narrative device playing on the themes of a loop.Certainly one of my favourite original films in the recent years, most of which have been the works of Christopher Nolan.